Any damaged or destroyed cars are automatically repaired in the garage, and without the need to pay hundreds of dollars each time.Anti-Frustration Features: Both campaign packs implemented several features that made the gameplay experience more forgiving.Alternate Universe: The Betrayal of Jimmy and Jimmy's Vendetta are set in an alternate Empire Bay where the Mafia is just one of four gangs vying for control of the city.Affably Evil: Jimmy is a rather Nice Guy.who happens to kill, steal cars, and cover-up loose ends for Crime bosses as a living.Adaptational Badass: The Bombers, the Empire Bay Triads, and the Irish Gang are all much bigger and better organized than they were in the main game, with each having their own legal front businesses and operations comparable to The Mafia's own.These two DLC campaigns contain the following tropes: An Updated Re-release of both campaign packs is included in the Definitve Edition of Mafia II, which released in May 19, 2020. The Betrayal of Jimmy was intially a PlayStation 3 exclusive, before being made a free download for all platforms, while Jimmy's Vendetta was released on September 7, 2010, also for all platforms. The Betrayal of Jimmy and Jimmy's Vendetta are the first and second Downloadable Content packs for Mafia II, respectively. He eventually escapes, vowing to get revenge on those responsible for his twist of fortunes. As a reward for his services to them, he is promptly set-up by them for being a loose end, and is promptly thrown into prison. In an Alternate Universe version of Mafia II's Empire Bay, a Professional Killer named Jimmy is given the job of ruining the operations of the local Triads and Bombers by his long time friends Sal Gravina and Tam Brody.